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- # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- # Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
- #
- # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- # 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- # http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- #
- # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- # for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- # License.
- #
- # The Original Code is css.properties.
- #
- # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
- # Corporation. Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright
- # (C) 2002 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- #
- # Contributor(s):
- # L. David Baron <dbaron@dbaron.org> (original author)
- #
- # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
- # either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
- # the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
- # in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
- # of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
- # under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
- # use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
- # decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
- # and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
- # the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
- # the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
- #
- # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
- MimeNotCss=The stylesheet %1$S was not loaded because its MIME type, "%2$S", is not "text/css".
- MimeNotCssWarn=The stylesheet %1$S was loaded as CSS even though its MIME type, "%2$S", is not "text/css".
- PEUnexpEOF=Unexpected end of file while searching for %1$S.
- PEParseRuleWSOnly=Whitespace-only string given to be parsed as rule.
- PEDeclDropped=Declaration dropped.
- PEDeclSkipped=Skipped to next declaration.
- PEUnknownProperty=Unknown property '%1$S'.
- PEPropertyParsingError=Error in parsing value for property '%1$S'.
- PEExpectEndProperty=Expected end of value for property but found '%1$S'.
- PESkipAtRuleEOF=end of unknown at-rule
- PEUnknownAtRule=Unrecognized at-rule or error parsing at-rule '%1$S'.
- PECharsetRuleEOF=charset string in @charset rule
- PECharsetRuleNotString=Expected charset string but found '%1$S'.
- PEGatherMediaEOF=end of media list in @import or @media rule
- PEGatherMediaNotComma=Expected ',' in media list but found '%1$S'.
- PEGatherMediaNotIdent=Expected identifier in media list but found '%1$S'.
- PEImportNotURI=Expected URI in @import rule but found '%1$S'.
- PEImportUnexpected=Found unexpected '%1$S' within @import.
- PEGroupRuleEOF=end of @media or @-moz-document rule
- PEMozDocRuleBadFunc=Expected url(), url-prefix(), or domain() in @-moz-document rule but found '%1$S'.
- PEMozDocRuleNotURI=Expected URI in @-moz-document rule but found '%1$S'.
- PEAtNSPrefixEOF=namespace prefix in @namespace rule
- PEAtNSURIEOF=namespace URI in @namespace rule
- PEAtNSUnexpected=Unexpected token within @namespace: '%1$S'.
- PESkipDeclBraceEOF=closing } of declaration block
- PESkipRSBraceEOF=closing } of invalid rule set
- PEBadSelectorRSIgnored=Ruleset ignored due to bad selector.
- PESelectorListExtraEOF=',' or '{'
- PESelectorListExtra=Expected ',' or '{' but found '%1$S'.
- PESelectorGroupNoSelector=Selector expected.
- PESelectorGroupExtraCombinator=Dangling combinator.
- PEClassSelEOF=class name
- PEClassSelNotIdent=Expected identifier for class selector but found '%1$S'.
- PETypeSelEOF=element type
- PETypeSelNotType=Expected element name or '*' but found '%1$S'.
- PEUnknownNamespacePrefix=Unknown namespace prefix '%1$S'.
- PEAttributeNameEOF=attribute name
- PEAttributeNameExpected=Expected identifier for attribute name but found '%1$S'.
- PEAttributeNameOrNamespaceExpected=Expected attribute name or namespace but found '%1$S'.
- PEAttSelNoBar=Expected '|' but found '%1$S'.
- PEAttSelInnerEOF=part of attribute selector
- PEAttSelUnexpected=Unexpected token in attribute selector: '%1$S'.
- PEAttSelValueEOF=attribute value
- PEAttSelCloseEOF=']' to end attribute selector
- PEAttSelNoClose=Expected ']' to terminate attribute selector but found '%1$S'.
- PEAttSelBadValue=Expected identifier or string for value in attribute selector but found '%1$S'.
- PEPseudoSelEOF=name of pseudo-class or pseudo-element
- PEPseudoSelBadName=Expected identifier for pseudo-class or pseudo-element but found '%1$S'.
- PEPseudoSelNonFunc=Function token for non-function pseudo-class or pseudo-element, or the other way around, when reading '%1$S'.
- PEPseudoSelNotPE=Expected pseudo-element but found '%1$S'.
- PEPseudoSelDoubleNot=Negation pseudo-class can't be negated '%1$S'.
- PEPseudoSelPEInNot=Pseudo-elements can't be negated '%1$S'.
- PEPseudoSelNewStyleOnly=This pseudo-element must use the "::" form: '%1$S'.
- PEPseudoSelTrailing=Found trailing token after pseudo-element, which must be the last part of a selector: '%1$S'.
- PEPseudoSelMultiplePE=Extra pseudo-element '%1$S'.
- PEPseudoSelUnknown=Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element '%1$S'.
- PENegationEOF=selector within negation
- PENegationBadInner=Malformed simple selector as negation pseudo-class argument '%1$S'.
- PENegationNoClose=Missing closing ')' in negation pseudo-class '%1$S'.
- PENegationBadArg=Missing argument in negation pseudo-class '%1$S'.
- PELangArgEOF=argument to :lang selector
- PELangArgNotIdent=Expected identifier for lang pseudo-class parameter but found '%1$S'.
- PELangNoClose=Missing closing ')' in lang pseudo-class '%1$S'.
- PELangNoArg=Missing argument in lang pseudo-class '%1$S'.
- PESelectorEOF=selector
- PEBadDeclBlockStart=Expected '{' to begin declaration block but found '%1$S'.
- PEColorEOF=color
- PEColorNotColor=Expected color but found '%1$S'.
- PEColorComponentEOF=color component
- PEExpectedPercent=Expected a percentage but found '%1$S'.
- PEExpectedInt=Expected an integer but found '%1$S'.
- PEColorBadRGBContents=Expected number or percentage in rgb() but found '%1$S'.
- PEColorComponentBadTerm=Expected '%2$S' but found '%1$S'.
- PEColorHueEOF=hue
- PEExpectedComma=Expected ',' but found '%1$S'.
- PEColorSaturationEOF=saturation
- PEColorLightnessEOF=lightness
- PEColorOpacityEOF=opacity in color value
- PEExpectedNumber=Expected a number but found '%1$S'.
- PEExpectedCloseParen=Expected ')' but found '%1$S'.
- PEDeclEndEOF=';' or '}' to end declaration
- PEParseDeclarationNoColon=Expected ':' but found '%1$S'.
- PEParseDeclarationDeclExpected=Expected declaration but found '%1$S'.
- PEEndOfDeclEOF=end of declaration
- PEImportantEOF=important
- PEExpectedImportant=Expected 'important' but found '%1$S'.
- PEBadDeclEnd=Expected ';' to terminate declaration but found '%1$S'.
- PEBadDeclOrRuleEnd=Expected ';' or '}' to terminate declaration but found '%1$S'.
- PEInaccessibleProperty=Attempt to use inaccessible property
- PECommentEOF=end of comment
- SEUnterminatedString=Found unclosed string '%1$S'.